How to Make homemade Sauerkraut Recipe ?

Have you ever tried making your own homemade sauerkraut? But be careful, I’m not just talking about the dish but also about the brined sauerkraut with cabbage that you prepare yourself…
Well, that’s what happened to me and I loved it!
Being born in Franche-Comté, sauerkraut has always been an institution in my family but I had never prepared it myself. I’ve always bought it raw or cooked but I really wanted to try it at home and it’s really interesting.
How to Make homemade Sauerkraut Recipe ?

The ingredients are simple: you will need white cabbage or cabbage, salt and berries (black pepper or juniper berry, cumin, etc.).
The principle is to marinate the cabbage in brine for a month before consuming it so that it ferments, or rather lactofermented.
To do this, you have to cut the cabbage very finely, add salt and the chosen berries then ferment it in a closed container. If the cabbage doesn’t release enough water to cover it, add a little salt.
I explain everything in detail as well as the correct proportions in my recipe, a little further down on the page.

What is lactofermentation?
Lactofermentation is a fermentation process carried out by lactic acid bacteria, which transform sugars into lactic acid. But despite its name, the term “lacto” has nothing to do with milk or lactose.
The principle consists of fermenting food in salt.
It is often known for vegetables such as sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, olives, but also milk-based products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, etc.) or even certain cold meats (dried sausage, raw ham, etc.). .).
- Start by rinsing your cabbage to prevent it from being too acidic.
- Blanch your sauerkraut: boil a large quantity of water, immerse the raw sauerkraut in it, let it boil for 10 minutes, drain it, then sprinkle it with cold water. Then drain it.
- To cook the sauerkraut, melt the peeled and chopped onions with the oil in a casserole dish. Add the sauerkraut, one or two cloves and the juniper berries. Pour in the white wine (Riesling), cover and simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

I also like to enjoy this sauerkraut with a brioche sausage for example and a cancoillotte French cheese.

How to Make homemade Sauerkraut Recipe ?
- 1 kg white raw cabbage
- 20 g sea salt
- 1 teaspoon juniper berries
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon cumin
- Remove the first leaves of the cabbage but do not rinse the rest of the cabbage because it is the bacteria naturally contained in the cabbage which will allow lactofermentation.
- Cut the cabbage into quarters and remove the ribs and core.Cut the cabbage into very fine strips using a large knife or mandolin.
- Place the cabbage in a large salad bowl.Add salt and berries (juniper, pepper, cumin). Mix well and let sit for 30 minutes.
- Transfer everything to clean glass jars, packing the cabbage tightly to within 2 centimeters of the rim.Close tightly and leave to rest for 2 to 3 days at room temperature and away from light.
- After 2 or 3 days, check that the strips are completely immersed in their brine.If not, add a mixture of boiled water and salt (10 g of salt per liter of water) to cover the cabbage.
- Close and store for 1 month, always at room temperature and protected from light.You can open it from time to time to let the gas escape.
If you ever make my homemade Sauerkraut recipe and you like it, don’t hesitate to tag me on Instagram @tangerinezest so I can see the result and share it myself…
Finally, just to let you know I am French and I translate my recipes, be indulgent if you see syntax errors and do not hesitate to leave me a comment so I can correct it. I hope you will like my recipes and enjoy your visit to my food blog!